The Student Ministry of Milton Community Church is meant to be a tool and a complement to the primary discipleship role of parents, helping teens in their transition years from childhood to adulthood to understand the faith and own it for themselves, see very clearly what it looks like to faithfully follow Jesus as teens, and prepare them for long-term faithfulness and ministry responsibility as Christ following church members. 

Theme Verse

"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving." - Colossians 2:6-7

Mission Statement

The Student Ministry of Milton Community Church exists to see students receive Christ, be rooted in Christ, and remain in Christ for the rest of their lives.

weekly Schedule

Sunday Mornings - Discipleship Classes - 9:15-10:15am
Discipleship Classes are our Sunday morning small group Bible study. We have a team of teachers for these classes, who dedicate their time toward personal study and prayer with the goal of faithfully teaching God’s Word to their classes on a weekly basis, firming up each student’s foundational understanding of the Christian faith. We use a student version of the Gospel Project curriculum from LifeWay. Please click here to find out more information about Discipleship Classes.

Sunday Nights - Rooted - 5:00pm -6:30pm, beginning January 12, 2025
Rooted is our Sunday Night worship service. During Rooted, we pray together, the student worship team leads us in praise songs, there is a teaching time, and then we break into small groups. Our usual approach on Sunday Nights is an expositional Bible study. The Bible study is sermon style, but it is more laid back than strictly lecture, offering opportunities as appropriate for feedback, questions, and answers. In this teaching format, the goal is to help the students understand Scripture, learn how they can study it on their own, help in application, and give them a grand vision for the greatness of God and the gospel of Christ.


Dodgeball Tournament, Saturday, January 18, 3:00pm - 6:30pm, Lebanon Baptist Church

To find out more about Student Ministry Events please contact us at